Tag: Mindpower

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.

Business of Life

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.

Business of Life

Your kids are happy if you’re happy. And if your love is happy, then everything works. I think a lot of people think once the children are there, it’s all about the children. But you can’t forget about your best friend, your lover, your husband.

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I think it’s important to get your surroundings as well as yourself into a positive state – meaning surround yourself with positive people, not the kind who are negative and jealous of everything you do.

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It’s a waste of time for people to say things they think other people want to hear, or try and come off in a certain way. I try to be as honest as I can.

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Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!

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The most important thing is to enjoy your life – to be happy – it’s all that matters.

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The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.

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I don’t have perfect teeth, I’m not stick thin. I want to be the person who feels great in her body and can say that she loves it and doesn’t want to change anything.

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The higher the better. It’s more about an attitude. High heels empower women in a way.

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When you have nobody you can make a cup of tea for, when nobody needs you, that’s when I think life is over.

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I never think of myself as an icon. What is in other people’s minds is not in my mind. I just do my thing.

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Anyone can get dressed up and glamorous, but it’s how people dress in their days off that is TH MOST INTRIGUING.

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I’m mad in the front of my mind, but business-minded in the back.

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I came to terms with not fitting in a long time ago. I never really fitted in. I don’t want to fit in. And now people are buying into that

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