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The way you do the small things, is the way you do the big things

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

If I could give you one special ability in life it would be the gift of seeing yourself through the eyes of someone who loves you – Then you would realise just how amazing you truly are.

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

You can’t reach for the stars when you’re tied to yesterdays regrets

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

Your past failures will lead to your future success

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

The only thing that stands in the way of an amazing life are the excuses you tell yourself as to why you can’t achieve it

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

Fear is your brains way of protecting you

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

The world is not a shitty place, it’s your perception of the world that is shitty

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

The pain of reaching your goal will only last a short whil

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

Don’t complain about ANYTHING, unless you’re prepared to do something about it

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

The two most important questions in the world are

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

If you make it a Habit to make your Today better than your Yesterday, then for sure, your Tomorrow will be better than your Today.

A nice motivational quote from Rvm

If you have a goal in life and it doesn’t scare you a little, then it’s not a big enough goal

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

Sometimes it’s better to go against the crowd and feel alone

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

Your mission: May you continue to shine no matter the storms you have been through.

A nice motivational quote from Karen Salmansohn

Dreams are not realised in the shadows of self doubt.

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

You shouldn’t live your life according to someone else’s expectations

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

Your thoughts are building your future reality; the question is what are you thinking today?

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

Sometimes we are so afraid of change that we miss amazing opportunities that the universe has sent us….

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison