Category: Finance Quotes & SayingsPage 5 of 12

Like many other banks and finance companies, Green Tree used a process called securitization to resell its home loans to outside investors. Green Tree grouped thousands of these small loans into a pool worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

home loans for investors

There’s enormous progressive activism and, more often than not, success at the grassroots level – everything from living wage campaigns to efforts to finance our elections are having terrific success.

tips for financial success

What we now call ‘finance’ is, I hold, an intellectual perversion of what began as warm human love.

finance and marriage

Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.

finance and politics

What you get out of an M.B.A. programme, no matter how much experience, is functional tools and understanding in disciplines: you’ll understand economics, you’ll understand marketing, finance, accounting. That, M.B.A. programmes do very well.

accounting and finance

The problem of how we finance the welfare state should not obscure a separate issue: if each person thinks he has an inalienable right to welfare, no matter what happens to the world, that’s not equity, it’s just creating a society where you can’t ask anything of people.

financial problems

I feel sorry sometimes for these sportsmen and women who put in just as much effort as the footballers. For example, athletes train at least as hard as footballers but have to be happy if they can earn enough to finance a decent education.

financial education

Qaddafi is hated because he is the leader of a small country that is rich, but he uses his money to finance liberation struggles.

finance struggles

I mean, I’m very serious with my kids about them comprehending the intricacies of global finance.

global finance

In constant pursuit of money to finance campaigns, the political system is simply unable to function. Its deliberative powers are paralyzed.

politics and money

Canadians know that the promise of a recession didn’t happen because of anything we did here. If you look at all the causes of the recession, problems in mortgage markets, the problems in the banking sector, the problems in government finance in countries like Greece, none of those problems were in present Canada.

getting a mortgage

I’m looking for backing for an unauthorized auto-biography that I am writing. Hopefully, this will sell in such huge numbers that I will be able to sue myself for an extraordinary amount of money and finance the film version in which I will play everybody.

financing a film

If it isn’t the sheriff, it’s the finance company; I’ve got more attachments on me than a vacuum cleaner.

finance companies

The monarchy is foremost a business, and it’s important to them that the British public continue to finance the excessive luxurious lifestyles of the now quite enormous, wasteful and useless ‘royal’ family. I find it very sad.

finance luxurious lifestyle

Money you won’t need to use for at least seven years is money for investing. The goal here is to have your account grow over time to help you finance a distant goal, such as building a retirement fund. Since your goal is in the future, money for investing belongs in stocks.

investing in stock

Macro-trading requires a high degree of skill, focus and repetition. Life events, such as birth, divorce, death of a loved one and other emotional highs and lows are obstacles to success in this specific field of finance.

macro trading success

I only make movies to finance my fishing.

financing a movie

The thing I have discovered about working with personal finance is that the good news is that it is not rocket science. Personal finance is about 80 percent behavior. It is only about 20 percent head knowledge.

personal financial tips